Tuesday, May 14, 2013

April 20 was the blog's birthday......lo those many years and how very long since there's been a new post.  oh well, life continues to happen.  we had a lovely visit for chrismukkah....david, sarah, siena and patrick were here.  i think we all had a grand time.  siena played in the snow and we all loved seeing that.  patrick pulled her sled up and down the hill in the backyard.  yay!
sarah and siena visited again in april, so we got to enjoy them all over again.  sarah, siena and i were outside in the remaining snow drift.....sarah threw a snowball to siena and she caught it!  woohoo. 
we are finally getting to enjoy the new porch...we purchased chairs and a small table, and plan to share adult beverages with the neighbors soon.  ;)

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