Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Siena's birthday and landscaping

We are just back from California where we celebrated Siena's 4th birthday.  It was great fun to watch her with her preschool friends sharing cupcakes baked by Sarah.  We had given her presents the day previous which was the actual day and of course she had to wear her new dress to show her friends. 
We actually missed the family party on Saturday as I caught the flu bug that was being circulated from the school.  ;(  I felt a bit contagious and washed out and Don was afraid he might be a carrier and get sick himself, so stay away we did.
We spent some time alone with Siena.....were with her one evening while S and D went in opposite directions, picked her up at preschool one day and just filled in between comings and goings another day. 
Siena has changed so much since her visit with us in April.  She is totally in control of bodily functions!  Goes to the bathroom by herself and needs minimal assist now and then.  She gets herself ready for bed.....takes clothes off OVER HER HEAD all by herself and even uses pull ups which she manages herself!  She is pretty proud that she can do these things on her own.  She still loves reading in the snuggly chair in her room of course.....and we do too!  ;) 
We spent most of a day in San Francisco with Jewlee and Jeff.  It was nice to finally meet Jeff and spend time with him.  He took us to Twin Peaks which was amazing.  None of us had been there previously so it was a great treat.  Jewlee and I went to the Ferry building and purchased some gluten free goodies and Don and Jeff surprised us with ice cream when they met up with us.  We went to the Oakland waterfront and saw the Hornet and other ships retired there.  Jewlee had worked several catering jobs on the Hornet, so there were stories!  We had a lovely meal in Alameda......I guess it was a late lunch.  I think maybe Cambodian fare and it was delicious! 
So, now we are home and needing to make some decisions on landscaping which should begin next week some time.  We are doing this as our anniversary present to ourselves....our 50th which seems absolutely impossible.  We are making the area in front of the house much smaller.......reducing the area of planting from 20 feet to more like 8.....now we just need to choose some plants! 

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