Tuesday, September 19, 2006



today was a big time sanding day. one of the guys had warned me about the noise.......a continuous high hum.....crazy making. there was also the DUST......lots and lots of dust. big particles and then smaller and smaller ones. it began around 9am and was still going when i left at 5:45. when i came home the floor was a dull tan, and that i found out is the filler which is applied all over the floor like dry wall mud and then will be sanded yet again in the morning. then the buffing and the application of stain. tra la tra la.
the refrigerator is sitting proudly on the tile in the entry......have to skooooosh it over to get to the hall closet, and you can still get out the front door, but only thru the living room. we are packing tonight so we can vacate to somewhere else if we feel the need.
we are having an adventure. sigh

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