Sunday, December 31, 2006


The 28th

the next day sarah went to lunch with her friend betsy and her little boy charlie. while they were gone don, david and i went to the minnesota history center. it was absolutely packed....we waited in line to get into the parking lot! we found out that a gajillion minnesota baseball nuts were checking out "baseball as america" a collection of memorabilia from cooperstown. we wandered thru the weather section.....blizzards to tornados and then gave up and checked out the baseball exhibit and really enjoyed it. they had some great things.....quite a collection. i also checked out the red wing pottery and loved that. david spent some time in the library checking out dylan, and had to leave without making copies of some of his writing. rats
betsy stayed so she could meet david which meant i got to meet charlie. he is a darling little boy and looks much like his sister emma at the same age.
sarah felt a bit puny and took a nap after courtesy of her and david. yea! that didn't keep us from staying up WAY too late after her nap solving most of the world's problems.
don got up at 3am on the 29th to take pat to the he had to miss sarah's birthday. we did sing to her after dinner on the she was serenaded two days in a row.

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