Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Latkes for lunch

today has been unbelievably cold, and a great day for meeting a friend for lunch. i suggested the place and i hadn't really eaten inside.....just picked up sandwiches to-go several times during a break from setting up an art festival. i even got there first.....an amazing thing. my friend brought a friend of hers along, so that was nice.....the 3 of us will meet again next month for lunch at the mia.
anyway, it's a deli and restaurant, and a treat......i had latkes with sour cream and apple sauce and they were great, if a bit greasier than i prefer. they had blintzes, and all other sorts of goodies, but i couldn't pass on the latkes. there is also a bakery and i had to check it out. they had rugelach and hamantashen, some yummy looking onion rolls, but alas they are not a substitute for friedman's bakery. they didn't have the wonderful sweet cheese rolls, the rolled pastry with cream cheese, sour cream and sultana raisins or the other fabulous treats i remember. those dollar size pastries that were unresistable and calorie free for sure.....they were too small for calories!! of course. i suspect i may never find the equal of friedman's. mrs. friedman always said they used old country recipes and no one else could do it.....i think she may have told the truth!

sounds like a fun day!

mmm... latkes.
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