Friday, March 02, 2007


Snow and then a lot more snow

this has really been a major snow day. it started last
evening, and just kept coming down. sometimes it looked like it was slowing down or maybe even stopping, but then it would begin with vigor all over again. we have shoveled/used the snowblower 5 times today and i think we have received about 2 inches/hour at times. the last time we were out there we helped the neighbors dig out the bottom of their drive after the snowplow left its compacted gift. when we came back home, there was an inch or more in our drive so we quickly cleared the drive again before coming inside. such a deal! i tried to show the depth along the drive with these photos. the one directly below shows the depth as the front sidewalk meets the drive comparing my height with the height of the pile we created. good grief. they have told us to expect at least 14 inches from this storm! i don't think it's an exaggeration this time!
note: i attempted to post this last nite, 3-1, but blogger had an issue


yow! that's a lot of the white stuff!
all we have to report on the coast is a good shaker last night. nene was a bit freaked.

i'm about to leave for a walk through gg park, sans snow. we're looking at sunny and 70 this weekend :)
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