Friday, September 14, 2007


A busy week

this has been a busy week. there was a great decisions presentation at the library, and i went early to help set up chairs and do anything else that needed doing. i had my two classes at the y....bodyflow on tuesday and studiostrength on thursday. i took the earlier bodyflow this week because i enjoyed it when that teacher subbed in the later class a week ago. getting to the y for an 8:30 am class was a bit of a stretch in itself, but i did it, and enjoyed it. the strength class is interesting.....i am a classic wimp, so i had never lifted a weight, don't do pushups and other handicaps. i still don't do pushups, altho i may learn how.....when i get some strength. :) so far my shoulders object loudly and the instructor is great at offering options.
last evening, judith and i went to a reception at the grand hand to meet and great the official pilgrimage from the acc in new york. heads of various organizations in the tc's were also there from northern clay, goldstein, mn history society, and others. they were talking to us about a conference to be held in minneapolis october of 2008. it's on innovation in design, and could be pretty interesting. it was fun to see the people we knew and to meet the others, several of whom are young and very enthusiastic.
today i went for a walk with judy and had a good visit at the same time. we did a quick shopping tour of marshalls and then i headed for home. i made a dinner to take to kay and dick since kay is pretty much off her feet for the next 2.5 weeks before she gets a new knee. i stayed for a couple of hours so dick could get out of the house and run some errands.
i've enjoyed following the adventures of the bookmobile in northern california. wish it could come here!

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