Monday, March 31, 2008
I thought March came IN like a lion. What's the deal?
today the weather people mentioned we could get some snow. well, we did, a lot. last evening as i was picking up sarah from betsy's house it was raining - enough that i used the wipers. when i got up this morning, there were little snow flakes in the air, but not sticking to anything. that progressed to sticking to the lawn, and then the trees, the get the picture.
sarah's flight was scheduled for 3 takeoff, and it appeared to be on time as far as we could tell and we dropped her off a good hour before that. i called when we got home and suggested she call us if there was a big delay. she said the plane was there and it looked good. according to the website, there was a delay, but it's hard to tell.....the times don't exactly make sense so we will find out when we hear from her.
i took these pictures throughout the day. the one of the large evergreen is of our neighbor's tree and it looks beautiful from our place.....i think all the snow stuck on the north, so we got the good view. the last one of the picnic table i took around 9 pm hanging out the back door. it gives an idea of how much actual snow we got and that doesn't count the stuff that was rain, or that didn't stick to anything. it seems a bit rude. friend liz called from omaha offering a shovel, but she didn't offer to bring it and push it. former minnesotans can think they're pretty funny. hah.
ah well, we know, we think that we will eventually have spring this year. it will be more than welcome!
i almost forgot the most exciting news from the cali fam. nene at this late date has emerged as a supurb mouser. almost unbelievable. we all thought she would run away, but instead she behaved in a magnificent cattily fashion...batting the poor mouse around in a fun game until the fatal fall of the paw. sigh. she is my new heroine.
Labels: late march snow