Tuesday, April 22, 2008


The kids' pledge

something unique to the nebraska spring game is the welcoming of kids and parents onto the field at halftime. to start with adults in the stadium and on the field take a pledge to help kids avoid drugs, alcohol and cigarettes, and then the kids take a similar pledge. bo led the pledge for the adults and 2 former players led the one for the kids. i think the kids just love getting to go on the field, and it usually takes repeated messages to get them all OFF the field for the second half. kari called me on the phone during that time and i asked if she was on the field, and she said "are you kidding? that would be really crazy." i think she is right!
our friends dave and lea met us before the game and gave us tickets for baseball games on saturday and sunday. patrick and his friend jeff used them after the spring game, and as i mentioned, we used them sunday. a great treat.

Hi Jini,
So glad to hear your family was able to use the baseball tickets. I haven't talked to Dad in days so I find out things via your blog. LOL! Happy to hear your time in Nebraska was a good one. Hopefully we can get together during your next trip here. Take care, my friend!
Love, LA
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