Tuesday, July 15, 2008


McGrew Family Reunion

we just returned from the family reunion in estes park at the ymca camp. lots of driving to and from, but it was worth the resulting weariness......we had a grand time! once again i didn't do a great job on the photo taking.....guess that means i was involved in the stuff instead of snapping shots. that's my excuse and i stand by it!!
the first photos i have were taken as we walked around bear lake in rocky mountain national park. everyone made it all the way around! david found a great little spot for lunch....and kudos to the food committee for getting the right stuff and getting it all organized. we had sammiches, chips, fruit and water. very healthy stuff!!
those in attendance were brother jack and liz, megan, zach and griffin, aaron and ashley; sister marilyn, kari, kelsey, brennan and bennet, me and don, sarah and david, patrick, jewlee and sam. a good gang all around!

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