Saturday, August 16, 2008
Busy summer, great visits
oops, just realized it's been quite a while between posts. it seems like it's been busy, but again it's hard to tell what we accomplished! we've been able to see some friends that live out of town.....catching them on their way through so to speak. susan and kurt were in the area for his class reunion and the birth of his grandson, who has the kurt right there as his middle name! it was good to get to visit and share lunch in the midst of all their driving back and forth.
this past weekend our friend neal was here from omaha. he had been in the area for a prairie conference and accepted our long standing invite for a visit. we had a good time, fairly lazy which is just what i enjoy. i was fighting yet another sinus infection so lazy was a good thing. we took him on the minne tour, had a peek at the new bridge being built, the walker, the guthrie, the library and of course the lakes. we also got a tour of the garden from brian and gary which was great. neal was able to identify a bird flying over by its call which amazes me. i am more likely to talk about lbb.....little brown bird. after he got home he sent a website that identified a large feather the guys had found.
on monday our friends june and roland came for dinner. they had been in chicago for june's nursing class reunion and came to visit us while they were in the "area." i guess it is a lot closer than sunnyvale, ca! roland and neal were trying to find some connections as they had both grown up in small mennonite communities in nebraska. the connection they found was that roland's sister actually lives next door to neal's sister in california. now that is weird and strange and great fun too.
we visited and laughed and ate.....all for a good time.