Wednesday, August 20, 2008


It's so dry here!

every day it seems to be drier here. the paper today said we are 6+ inches below normal. i am thinking i want to transplant some things, but with the dry situation i will wait until we return from nebraska. my reunion is august 29-30 which is a very warm/hot/humid/sultry time to spend time there. but, i digress, i want to plant some of the larger hosta by our fence on the inside and some smaller "ruby" hosta on the outside. the latter seem to grow most anywhere and in any condition.
today the city has been measuring, surveying and putting up flags to mark the location of the new asphalt path that will go from the south entrance to the ct to olg and hence to the library! it will be 2 feet in from the street and 6 feet wide. you can see the red flags if you look carefully, and also perhaps imagine that with the berms along the frontage road there will need to be some serious cuts made to place the path. should be interesting. we are doing a bit of plotting as to whether to lay claim to more of the city's property after the path is completed and do some planting of evergreens on our side of the berm for some noise absorption. we will see what we think when it's done. they mentioned some planting when we went to the original meeting, so maybe we can work together and get what we want.

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