Wednesday, November 05, 2008


The day after

i am still recovering and trying to catch up on the news from tuesday. i ended up working an 18 hour day. that is really too many hours for me. our precinct was terrific.....very organized and calm. we had a long line of voters waiting when we opened the polls at 7, but we handled it well and everyone seemed happy. the line moved along nicely, and we diverted the unregistered voters and got them to the right table so they could register and get on with voting. we made sure that the others were in the right precinct and if they weren't sent them in the right direction.
for some reason we had two men from st louis park try to vote with us. the one knew the number of his precinct and the building where it was located. i drew him a map of its location and really hope he found it. i confess to being severely directionally challenged. don just looked at me and laughed when i told him i drew a map.
everything went smoothly....a few extra things made a slight slowdown toward the closing time. we had 245 absentee ballots, and one had an issue so that was a problem. 4 of us, i and the other co-chair and the two absentee judges worked together to open and straighten the ballots and count them, sort and count the envelopes them arrived in and just get them organized. they were put through the computer/counter, but not until the polls closed. due to this at the end of the evening it took longer to get everything packed and put back together.
we got to city hall, then had to talk to the staff and check everything in and have a clear count. by the time paul and i left it was 11:45, and that meant we had worked an 18 hour day! way too long!!

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