Monday, August 31, 2009


siena is 7 weeks old

siena and i had some grandma time today while her mom and dad got some sushi for lunch. she is really at her smiling cooing best on the changing table. she just kicks and smiles and has a grand old time.
she had just been fed before her parents left so we cooed at each other for a bit and then she got in her swing and watched the mobile for a while before taking a little nap. when she awakened we went outside and talked about her daddy's garden and her helping with that some day when she is a little bigger. she was pretty cheery until the sun got in her eyes. if we stayed in the shade all was well, so some adjustment in the carrying took care of that.
then we came inside and played on the window seat until sarah and david returned. then it was bath time and then at last! time to eat again! yay! said siena. :)

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