Friday, August 28, 2009


Siena at 6 weeks

i'm still in california and having a lovely time with david, sarah and siena. sarah is getting out more and meeting some other moms which is great for her. d and s moved to this community a couple of months before siena arrived, so those new friendships are key. siena is really changing each day.....she likes to smile and coo and that certainly thrills the adults in the family.
sarah and i took siena on a walk earlier this week, and siena and i continued walking while sarah bought things at the pharmacy, trader joes, a pillow shop and the corner fresh fruit stand. we all felt pretty good about that.
last sunday, sandy and nancy came and brought lunch for us and they stayed through the afternoon. sarah and david went to a movie and enjoyed the outing! nancy came again yesterday so she and sarah took siena to the toddler park and i joined them there later. it's a sweet place and will be a place sarah and siena will return many times as siena grows. there are small child slides and climbing gear with plenty of spots for moms to sit and watch and visit with each other.

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