Sunday, April 18, 2010
Spring game weekend

i'm not sure where the time has gone since our quick trip to california. i guess it has something to do with being in nebraska twice since then, once for the funeral of my cousin who was way too young to die, and this weekend for nebraska sports.
we made plans some months ago to meet patrick at the spring game and he brought his friend adam whom we haven't seen for some years. it was a great game....really just a scrimmage, but still dear to the hearts of the rabid fans. they said over 77,000 were in attendance. truly amazing!
as i have to say, we won! we had to as it was the red team playing the white team and they were both nebraska. it's always fun and it was just a beautiful day.....clear and sunny and warm. it was warmer than we expected but who's to complain about that?!
after the game we met up with kari and brian and their 3 kids as well as brian's dad. he was the photographer for the shots of all of us together. (i think i have to explain my lumpiness in the photo. that is the result of being told i could NOT bring my backpack into the stadium. i stuffed field glasses, camera, etc etc into every pocket available and wore my coat which was not what i intended.) after photos, brian took the boys on the bus and on to his sister's house, and kari and kelsey came with don and i to wander around lincoln until brian reappeared to have dinner with us. we ate more than necessary at old chicago pizza and then on to the coliseum to watch the volleyball team play university of illinois. the latter team seemed to be very good. it was announced that it was agreed that the teams would play 5 sets no matter what the score. in other words, if one team won the first 3, still 2 more sets would ensue. so, nebraska ended up winning, but it was anything but easy. quite a struggle in fact by seemingly well matched teams. lots of mistakes on nebraska's side, and quick reactions by illinois. our coach said he still has concerns, but it's just exhibition season, and one player is still recovering from shoulder surgery, and one has mono and another didn't play for some reason. the season looks hopeful.
Labels: football, patrick, spring game, volleyball, wrightsmans