Thursday, October 04, 2007


Auntie Lee

my cousin kevin and his son jack joined auntie and i for some valentino's pizza on saturday night. they had driven in from kansas city to attend the nebraska/iowa state football game. they both had a bit of sunburn from sitting in some excellent seats on the east side of the field. auntie loved having them there and it was a great time. i hadn't seen kevin in a long time and never met jack....he is a charmer, like his grandpa fave uncle!
the other picture is one of my poor attempts to take my own picture with auntie lee. i always seem to end up looking a bit goofy, but auntie came out like a champ. things are getting harder for her, but she is trying to stay in her own home as long as possible. she is pretty amazing, and you have to commend her for her efforts.
we really had a good time, and i got a few things accomplished that should keep her going for awhile. i told her i'd be back, and i will be.


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