Sunday, January 06, 2008


Getting there

i can hardly believe it's been a month between postings! i think it's been a busy month, so i will hang the blame right there!
when i returned from lincoln, i had busy-ness. notes to write, and bills to pay as well as trying to interpret the insurance world. the latter is one curvy road after another, and rarely is the news of good cheer. i am particularly irritated with one company that continued to take money way beyond the possible pay out allowed. the pay out was totally inadequate in today's world EVEN IF they deigned to pay fifteen cents. most of the others with whom i've dealt have been really nice, extremely cooperative and sympathetic to my loss. the latter is always a nice touch when dealing with this situation, and it's amazing to me how few people really get it even tho they deal in this area all the time.
i still have one bill to settle and then i think it's pretty well taken care of for now. there are always many things that need to be discontinued or people notified often accompanied by a death certificate. it's just a continuation of a journey i guess. i have spent a couple of days recently shredding papers. i think many people have difficulty deciding just what needs saving. in the last years of her life auntie dealt with doctors, prescriptions and illness, things she had avoided for over 90 years. she did an amazing job in figuring out what things meant, and asked pointed questions when she didn't understand. she'd never used her medicare or supplement benefits before and certainly never considered needing a medicare d policy. so many things new to her and definitely NOT the fun part. anyway, back to my ramble about shredding.....all the papers have critical info like her social security number, birthdate etc, so all those parts seemed worthy of meeting the shredder. i still have two or three boxes to go, but progress has been made.
it does help to feel that i am accomplishing something. i try to get something DONE each day.....figuring out what exactly a bill means may take several hours, but i do it! emptying the boxes, going back over bank statements to find any insurance policies or potential billing agencies i may have missed takes more time. i just found something in a bank statement that i need to check on in the morning.
the memorial still is not scheduled and i would like to get that settled very soon. the details are all in place, we just lack the date.....oh to be able to predict the weather in the midwest!!
of course the part i left out, was that when i returned from lincoln, i had christmas to plan, gifts to purchase and prepare for usps or whatever. i think i got that handled too and even mailed christmas cards before the holiday happened. patrick was here for christmas and that was a delight. we were all pretty lazy, ready, watching tv, visiting or whatever. very easy and just what the doctor ordered for don and i anyway. we were feeling decidedly pooped, so relaxation was a gift! we did manage to get out to dinner one evening and also went to see a georgia o'keefe show that was very interesting. it wasn't HUGE, just 42 pieces, but it was concerning her early experiments about abstraction, and was lovely as well as educational.

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